London reopens its doors, the shops have reopened, people go down on the sidewalks and open their wallets to restart the economy so for the British government to have the population tested is a priority. London: how to get a fast and free Covid-19 test.
Surely some of you were out of the UK for several reasons, need to start working and need the Covid-19 test to ensure positive health. The Covid-19 tests have come at exorbitant prices, a test even costs 100 Pound, 200 Pound depending on the company that sells it, even in pharmacies the prices are shameful.
Se hai bisogno di un test Covid-19 questo articolo è per te.
It’s time to start again, travelers, workers and students, the British Government has made available to British citizens some boxes containing free Covid-19 rapid tests that arrive directly at your home.
This is a positive response from the British government against corporate speculation in this difficult time.
This action not only helps us citizens to be able to return to work and be safe, protecting our family and those around us, it also helps the Government to keep track of the positive and negative Covid-19 in the UK. Well Done!
Cos’è il coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid lateral flow tests
It is a quick test that allows you to find out in just 30 minutes if you are positive for Covid-19 or not. The British government has made these quick mini tests available to test as many people as possible and to allow you to manage and avoid the spread of the virus in workplaces or schools.
Unlike the old test models for Covid-19 this one needs to be examined by ourselves. While with the old model we performed the control of the throat and nostrils with the stick and then sent everything to the NHS staff for positive or negative control, here we do everything in a self-sufficient way. The package that arrives home consists of:
See how to do the new Covid-19 test.
Striscia reattiva in confezione sigillata
Tampone all’interno dell’involucro sigillato
Bustina tampone di estrazione
Tubo di estrazione
Portaprovette di estrazione
Sacco rifiuti in plastica

Come Funziona
In these new tests (similar from a physical point of view to the pregnancy test) the use of the stick for the throat and nostril remains the same. Remember to clean and disinfect the surface where you will perform the test.
Washing your hands well is a must if you don’t want to contaminate anything. The substantial difference is precisely the speed in fact in 30 minutes we would have the result. Follow the Guide how to take the Covid-19 Fast test.
Come richiedere il test Covid-19 veloce e gratuito
This test can be requested free of charge directly from the UK government website https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests
Will arrive home a test package contains 7 tests. You can order one pack per family every day.
Remember it is important to report any results to the NHS on the same day you take the test.
You can communicate the result directly online, in my opinion it is the fastest method through the site: www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Può interessarti anche :
Come fare il nuovo test Covid-19 veloce
Come avere il medico di famiglia (GP) in UK