In a society, now, where everyone complains about everything, touchiness a lot, because let’s face it, now we can no longer say or do anything. And so … I too, I decided to share something, a phrase, a fake question that has always left me perplexed every time I wore a skirt.
-Ma non hai freddo?.
This is the typical phrase that if even once in your life you have worn a miniskirt or a skirt you have surely heard. It’s funny to see the frowning, shocked expressions scrutinize your legs as if they’ve never seen a pair. It immediately flashes in our heads “but are you really asking me?”.
We are women, we love our femininity, we love long or short skirts, both in summer and in winter, but – .. punctually … comes the usual obvious and banal and useless comment that a woman can hear say when wearing a skirt.
Here, at that moment there would be many answers to give but that would be not very nice and that many times we avoid giving, for education and common sense, for lack of time and sometimes for lack of courage … but I assure you that the one that most of the time we give you the answer is not exactly what we think. For example:
– aren’t you cold?
– Ho le calze sotto non sono nuda.
– boh.. considerando che me la sono messa Io….no
– ovviamente si’, ho freddo!! ma lo sopporto senza problemi, se nò non mi sarei messa la gonna.
– ma quando ti fai i cavoli tuoi?
– ma che cosa ti cambia saperlo?
– Ho 2 paia di calze velate sotto, ho più caldo di quando mi metto a paio di jeans.
And for final information, our body senses the temperature, we are aware that it is cold, but we don’t care.
Non rinunciamo alla nostra gonna.