We are going through a really difficult period, things change from minute to minute not everyone they respect procedures and rules and this contributes to making us feel anxious and increases our stress, it is easy to be overwhelmed by events over which we do not have much control. We try to help each other by following the rules , to manage stress during Covid-19.
We were told to stay home as long as possible and to engage in social distancing due to Covid 19 . There are ways to be productive if you missed the article click here and manage stress.
We can focus on how to make the most of this time of restraint and isolation to focus on ourselves.
With gyms always closed it can be difficult to keep fit, however daily exercise is one of the best ways to make us feel better . Several applications and Youtube channels offer free workouts, from fitness, to zumba, to yoga.
Some Personal Trainers in this difficult time continue to offer their services via Instagram in their stories for free or on a donation basis, continue to support them.
Find a hobby
Now we no longer have the excuse of lack of time , we can do what we have always wanted to try and that we have set aside due to lack of time.
We can paint, create jewelry, start playing an instrument (on youtube you will find lots of free tutorials that can help you) find something you love and immerse yourself in it.
Online Lessons
You can acquire even more skills you can take lessons online through different courses (some even free) , you can get distracted by learning a lot.
A fort of Books
Amazon from this point of view does not disappoint, it offers the possibility of being able to buy from a wide range choice of books , whether it’s kindle (you can download the application on smartphones and Ipads without necessarily needing the device) or a hard copy, books are a great way to distract yourself from the outside world and transport yourself to other places.
Video calls and calls
Just because you are isolated doesn’t mean you have to be a complete hermit. Thanks to today’s technology we can get in touch with our family and friends with a click, Skype, Zoom, Facetime help us manage the daily life of social relationships and therefore reduce and manage the stress from Covid-19.
It is also a great way to start a book club or a movie club where everyone is watching or reading the same thing and then discussing it .
Clean and Rearrange
Take this time to organize all those home projects you’ve always put off (tidying up your closet, changing seasons, ordering pantry, throwing out unnecessary things) . As I have already mentioned in another article How to be Productive during the Quarantine , house cleaning and order help the mind to relax, being in an orderly environment reduces stress .
Spend time with loved ones and focus your time and energy on working on yourself .