As explained in the previous article, the British government makes Covid-19 tests available to citizens quickly and free of charge. For any doubts in carrying out it, see this London guide: How to do the new fast Covid-19 test.
If you missed the previous article, here it is How to get a fast and free Covid-19 test.
Unlike the old test models for Covid-19 this one needs to be examined by ourselves. While with the old model we performed the control of the throat and nostrils with the stick and then sent everything to the NHS staff for positive or negative control, here we do everything in a self-sufficient way. The package that arrives home consists of:
- Test strip in sealed package
- Swab inside sealed pouch
- Extraction buffer sachet
- Extraction tube
- Extraction rack
- Plastic waste bag
Phase 1:
- Take the test strip out of the sealed packing package and place it on the clean surface. Once opened, start testing within 30 minutes.
- Carefully twist or open the sachet. Open it away from your face and be careful not to do it to spill the liquid
- Open the extraction tube and gently squeeze all the liquid from the sachet buffer into the tube. Avoid touching the sachet file against the tube. Place the extraction buffer sachet in the plastic waste bag provided.
- Place the filled tube in the extraction rack (fixed inside the box) to avoid spilling the liquid. You can also use a small cup to hold the tube.
Phase 2:
- Gently blow your nose into a handkerchief and throw the handkerchief away in a closed bin. If you are examining a child, help him blow his nose. This is how you get rid of excess mucus.
- Wash your hands thoroughly again for 20 seconds using soap and warm water (or use disinfectant).
- Find the swab in the sealed envelope in front of you. Identify the soft, woven tip of the swab.
- Remove the swab package only when you are ready to use and gently pull out the swab. You will use it for both throat and nose
Phase 3:
- Holding the swab between your fingers, open your mouth wide and rub the fabric tip of the swab over both tonsils (or where they would have been). Do this with firm contact 4 times on each side (use a torch or a mirror to help you do this). Carefully remove the swab from the back of your throat.
- Put the same swab gently into 1 nostril until you feel a slight resistance (about an inch up your nose). Roll the swab tightly around the inside of the nostril, making 10 full circles. This could make you feel uncomfortable. Do not insert the tampon deeper if you feel severe resistance or pain.
Phase 4:
- Collect the extraction tube and place the swab tip tissue in the extraction tube so that it is inside the liquid. Press the tip against the edge of the extraction tube firmly, rotating it around the extraction tube for 15 seconds. This is to transfer the sample into the liquid
- Pinch the extraction tube against the swab as you remove it. Make sure you remove all liquid from the soft tip of the swab. Place the swab in the plastic waste bag provided.
- Firmly press the cap on the extractor tube to avoid any leaks.
- Gently squeeze the extraction tube to place 2 drops of liquid on the sample well (S) on the test strip. Make sure you are dripping liquid and not an air bubble. Put the extraction tube into the waste plastic bag along with the swab.
- Check the time and set a timer if you have one. Wait 30 minutes before reading your result. Waiting for the complete development of 30 minutes the time before reading the result is very important.
Attention: A positive result can appear at any time after 20 minutes, however it is necessary to wait the full 30 minutes to record a negative result as a test line (T) may take this time to appear.
How to read the results
Negative: Negative result A line next to C shows that the test is negative

Positive: Two lines, one next to C and one next to T, even weak lines, show that the test is positive. You must report this test result to the NHS.

Invalid Result: No line or a line next to T means the test is blank.

Report your result
You must report your results to the NHS. Report your result so the NHS can monitor the spread of the virus, support communities across the UK, fight the virus and save lives. You can also find out more about the result and what you need to do.
It is possible to report it via QR code you need the QR code or the ID number under it, on the test strip to report your result. Then call the following number England, Wales and Northern Ireland: 119 (free from mobile and landline phones) lines are open every day from 7am to 11pm.
Or communicate directly through the website www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result