In this traumatic time that we are all facing, you are allowed to give yourself peace and face everything that is happening your way by trying to be productive during the quarantine .
Some people try to be productive during this period of isolation but staying indoors makes it difficult to follow rules or manage. It is easier to stay on the sofa, watch the news, watch all the Netflix series accompanied by a good glass of wine and mull over everything that is happening, but, I feel like I’m throwing these months of my life into nothing.
So I chose to stay productive during the quarantine, and focus on new projects.
Here are my tips on how to be productive during forty na .
Stick to a schedule
To be productive during the quarantine you need to make a schedule, whether it’s weekly or daily, that’s okay. Not being able to leave the house, and doing the same things, you risk getting lost a bit, it’s easy to stay up late and binge on Netflix or Disney more, then go to sleep and do the same thing the next day. This lifestyle can be fun in the short term. To maintain a positive attitude and stay productive during the quarantine it is best to make a plan.
When you create a program of activities that you want to carry out during the day of the next day, it helps you to regain daily normality, it gives you a structure to follow in order to achieve the goals you set yourself.
First set the alarm, it’s not essential just to go to work, even if you are at home, wake up at a reasonable time. I’m not telling you to get up at 6 in the morning (if you don’t want to) but to get up early in the morning.
To be productive plan your day , work, activities, fun, and above all respect the schedule, if you add breaks at a certain time, respect them.
Listen to the News in Small Quantities
Don’t spend all day listening to news, it’s important to stay informed but not to be completely overwhelmed . Don’t let the news take over your present.
The news these days cause stress and panic that can wreak havoc on health and productivity. Stay informed but in the right, and above all read updates from credible sources .
Take Care of T e
If you take care of yourself, you will be able to take care of other projects with more confidence. Exercise is important for keeping fit and feeling better. I got into the habit of doing an hour of yoga every day early in the morning when I wake up, it’s a real cure-all. There are several apps that you can download on your mobile and several youtube channels that offer free workouts, if you are looking for a good Yoga program look here they are really good.
A second point in taking care of yourself is getting dressed: even if you don’t have to go to the office, it is a habit that helps you to take off your pajamas. This does not mean that you cannot dress comfortably, on the contrary, better if that outfit makes you feel good and at ease, we have to stay at home but seeing each other dressed will make us feel better. In this period I have enjoyed choosing different outfits every day, I don’t think I have ever tried so many when I was not in isolation.
Another important point to take care of yourself is sleep, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep, we are at home and we can give our body the opportunity to rest and recover energy.
Nutrition is very important, eat healthy, the temptation to eat chocolates and snacks is strong during the quarantine especially by watching a good movie , but you can take advantage of the extra time to prepare new recipes.
For a less stressed brain, we tidy up the room, keep it tidy, make the bed, keep our space clean.
Aim for Different Goals
Set goals for yourself and work on them step by step every day, I can procrastinate less when I set a goal, weekly, monthly and yearly, I can better measure my progress and make it materialize.
If you are a travel enthusiast , you can start planning your next trip, if on this front you are demoralized read this article will surely lift your spirits.
Learn a New Skill
It can be fun to spend thirty minutes with a new activity during this time. Do something that you have always denied yourself due to lack of time, such as: drawing, painting, learning to play an instrument , lately I picked up the violin, when all this is over I will update you on my progress (prepare the caps) .
Connection with friends and family
Fortunately we live in a super technological age, we have more than one application available to be close even if far away from our loved ones and friends, interactive cocktail parties have become the standard weekend.
Make time for the people who are most important to you, your mood will certainly be more positive.
Clean and Organize
As mentioned before, this time available will be useful for doing those cleanings that have always been postponed , such as cleaning the closet, cleaning the under sink, throwing out unnecessary things and organizing the pantry. Cleansing is more than therapeutic, music in your ears or a nice podcast and off you go.
Relax even at home
Eventually the reward comes, we have been productive and we deserve some relaxation for us. There will be some days when things will be more overwhelming and it is right to live the emotions for what they are, you must not ignore them, you can take a nice bath and rest all day is fine anyway.