2021 is a different year, not only because we have not yet emerged from a year of world pandemic, but also because permanent space is being made available on the European scene. Brexit. Brexit 7 things that will change with the agreement. Read on to learn more.
Cambiano le regole di viaggio europee
From January, British citizens will only be able to travel visa -free to Schengen countries for up to 90 days in any 180-day period (this includes most EU nations and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein).
Additionally, you will need to:
Ti restano almeno sei mesi sul passaporto, ad eccezione dei viaggi in Irlanda.
Avere un’assicurazione di viaggio con copertura sanitaria.
Assicurati di aver verificato le tariffe di roaming con il tuo operatore di telefonia mobile, poiché la garanzia del roaming gratuito terminerà .
Hai ottenuto un certificato di salute animale dal tuo veterinario almeno 10 giorni prima del viaggio – se viaggi con il tuo animale domestico – anche dalla Gran Bretagna all’Irlanda del Nord. L’attuale sistema di passaporti per animali da compagnia dell’UE non sarà più applicabile.
Utilizza corsie separate da cittadini dell’UE, SEE e svizzeri al controllo delle frontiere.
It is significant that, due to the Covid pandemic , travelers from non-EU countries – including the UK – will not be able to visit the EU at the moment, except for a number of essential reasons.
Gli acquisti duty-free torneranno
When the UK was an EU member, you were allowed to import unlimited quantities of alcohol and tobacco from an EU country without paying any duty at the border, provided the duty was paid in the country where you bought it and you could try it was for personal use.
From 2021 it will be possible to shop duty-free if you travel to the EU, although there will now be limits on the amount you can bring in duty-free from the EU, as for arrivals from non-EU countries.
However, the permitted amount of duty-free tobacco and alcohol will increase. So you can, for example, bring 18 liters of still wine and 42 liters of beer.
Le regole cambiano per i cittadini britannici che vogliono trasferirsi nell’UE
If you are already a resident of an EU country, you will have certain protections under the Withdrawal Agreement.
But even then, you should check that country-specific rules. You may need to register or apply for residency, obtain new documents, or meet specific requirements, such as having a job.
For example, British citizens living in France will have to obtain new residence permits .
If you plan to move to the EU in 2021, you will no longer have the automatic right to live, work, study or retire there. You will need a visa if you are going there for any reason other than tourism.
The rules will depend on the country you want to move to and the reason for the move.
You should check the rules of the country you intend to move to. People intending to move to Ireland will remain largely unaffected.
Ci sono nuove regole per i cittadini dell’UE nel Regno Unito
If you are an EU citizen living in the UK by 31 December 2020 or from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland , your rights remain the same until 30 June 2021.
But you should check if you can stay after. You will usually need to become a citizen of the UK or apply for the EU settlement program.
Again, due to the Common Travel Area, the rights of Irish citizens will not change.
Ci sarà un nuovo sistema di immigrazione nel Regno Unito
From January , there will be a new points-based system for foreign nationals (except Irish citizens) wishing to move to the UK. So if you have decided you want to leave Italy and move to the UK pay attention to the following.
The government says it will treat citizens of the EU and other countries equally and aim to attract people who can contribute to the UK economy.
People wishing to move to the UK to work, live or study will need to apply for and pay for a visa .
It will cost £ 348 to apply for a student visa from outside the UK , or £ 475 to extend or change one from within the UK .
Applying for a visa like skilled worker will cost between £ 610 and £ 1,408 per person , unless an individual has skills that the country is short of. People applying for a visa will also have to pay a health surcharge of £ 624 per person per year, unless they are healthcare professionals.
Se vuoi comprare o vendere con l’UE, le cose si complicano
The UK and the EU have agreed that there will be no taxes on each other’s goods when they cross borders and no limits on the amount of things that can be exchanged.
However, traders in England, Wales and Scotland will have to make customs declarations as if they are dealing with countries in other parts of the world – this means a lot of paperwork.
Some products, including plants, live animals and some foods, will need special licenses and certificates. Others will need to be labeled in specific ways.
There will no longer be automatic recognition of professional qualifications : people will have to check the rules of each country to make sure their qualifications are still recognized.
And while the British government has chosen to delay – by six months – the imposition of full controls, the EU will carry out controls from 1 January.
Even as trade with the EU becomes more complicated, the UK is free to negotiate its own trade agreements with other countries, such as the US .
Brexit advocates say this will benefit the economy in the long run , although critics say it is more important to stay close to the EU.
L’Irlanda del Nord diventa un’eccezione
The UK and the EU have agreed to maintain an almost invisible border , with no checkpoints , between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (which remains in the EU).
Northern Ireland will continue to follow many of the EU rules, meaning trucks can continue to drive across the border without having to be inspected.
However, some new checks will be needed on some goods arriving in Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK (England, Scotland and Wales).
Food products, such as meat, fish and eggs , will need to be checked to ensure they comply with EU standards .
However, in order to reduce any potential outages, supermarkets will be given an initial three month “grace period” in which the rules will not apply to the food they bring to Northern Ireland.
Some meat products will have a longer grace period of six months.
What will happen after this period is unclear and will be the subject of future negotiations.
An agreement was also reached to eliminate tariffs – additional charges on goods – for most of the trade between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland.
However, new paperwork will be needed from January 1st and businesses will need to be ready for change.
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