Every day we look at an unfamiliar sky, we hear another language spoken, we are in contact with people in places that are not at home, and many times we find ourselves thinking whether the choice made was the right one.
We all want more and more and for this reason we are often pushed to move away, to leave a place that, although comfortable as our home, cannot give us the path and the satisfactions we are looking for. Maybe even you, who are reading now, are not satisfied with the easy road, the tiled road, with the lights that signal its delimitation, a flat road that runs straight without holes in front, no, you have chosen the other one. The less comfortable one, the one full of holes, the dark one, not illuminated, and even if you were afraid and afraid, go ahead. Many times we ask ourselves if what we have really taken was the right path, if we made the right choices, if that easy, heated and safe path was the best choice. And we will never know, but we would also never question or test ourselves, with tests greater than us.
We are always full of doubts and questions especially about the path we are on, but we continue to struggle. Moments of happiness alternate with moments of melancholy. Moments of despair, in which you just want to go back, there are messages of lies for the family where they say “everything is fine, here I am great”.
Living away from home is not at all simple, we are far from everyone and everything, we cannot rely on anyone but only and exclusively on our strength. We begin to re-evaluate friendships and we begin to really value the word that contains the meaning of friendship. We give life a weight.
What was dark then becomes bright, and even on a rainy day, work and non-work satisfactions warm you up and reward you for the sacrifices made, for the sadness and fear you felt, and you feel charged as you never were, and you realize that if you have managed to get this far and bear the weight of a metropolis on your shoulders, you can do it all.