Monthly planning is short- to medium-term planning. We know when it starts and when it ends, and the goals we set have monthly deadlines.
Monthly planning helps keep track of what we are doing and our goals. It helps us to plan better and especially to manage our time better by avoiding procrastination.
First of all, put down on paper the goals only of the month you are planning, then those goals that we need to get to the bigger goal.
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Targets are generally divided according to category. I, personally include 4 categories, for example:
It is important to write down and mark concrete and possible goals. If you start putting goals too big, the failure rate will be much higher and you will find yourself at the next month with a higher amount of goals, and this in the long run leads to discouragement and procrastination.
So, main rule, small goals major gratification.
Before writing down the month’s goals, analyze what was not done the previous month to see if your way of setting goals is okay or is there something to change. Both positive and negative feedback are important, both in terms of personal growth and growth in the personal organization. In this way you will know your strengths and weaknesses.

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Write in the date you would like to complete the goal within that month and then if you have achieved that goal, highlight the date in green. If you did not meet the goal, highlight the date in red and then enter a new date to meet the goal under the next month.
Keeping track of monthly results will allow you to analyze your progress and compare monthly activity at the end of the year.
This is different from goals because goals are what you hope to achieve, but outcomes are the goals you have completed.
It is actually more important to see your results frequently because you will feel proud. This will make it more likely that you will push forward to experience that great feeling again.
A monthly planner is a great place to keep track of expenses. While we spend money daily or weekly, we only receive bank and credit card statements monthly, so we should monitor for the entire month to see the big picture.
You may want a separate planner to keep track of your expenses, as it can quickly become cluttered with your daily activities and appointments.
Whenever you purchase something, be sure to keep the receipt and then note the total of that receipt on the date of purchase in your planner.
On a separate page or spreadsheet, keep track of your monthly recurring expenses, such as electricity, water, TV, mortgage, etc., Since these are important to include in your monthly expenses.
Creating savings goals each month will make it more likely that you will work to reduce expenses and lower commissions.
Being able to actually schedule time for certain tasks, activities, and appointments directly in your calendar helps you visualize how much time you have for these activities, but also makes it less likely that you are overbooking.
With this list, you should be able to create a plan that will ensure your success, not just for the month, but for the whole year.
As the year progresses, it may be helpful to change monthly goals or add monthly expenses and savings goals specific to you and your needs. Your monthly planner should reflect your current state and therefore should change often.