If you have finished in this article, you are surely preparing a trip to Denmark, destination Copenhagen.
One of the most famous and historically interesting destinations is undoubtedly Rosenborg Castle, so don’t miss it and go and visit it! Here, if you are curious, do not miss the history of the Castle: Rosenborg Castle .
Rosenborg is part of Parkmuseerne, a district of museums and parks in central Copenhagen, where you can see the best of what art and nature have to offer.
In this article we talk about jewels and of the treasures of the Danish monarchy, that holds this fascinating place. In the will of 1746, Queen Sofia Maddalena expressed the will that her jewels were not given to anyone who would always remain “with the crown”. The Crown Jewels kept in Rosenborg consist of four sets of jewels, on which pearls and rubies, emeralds and diamanti pink and brilliant cut. They can also be worn only by the Queen and only in Denmark. That is, they must not go beyond the border, it is categorical. They are used a couple of times a year, for example on the occasion of the New Year’s Banquet.
In the basement of Rosenborg castle we find the treasure room, which is divided into three sections, therefore, into three hexagonal rooms. In the first room located in the upper part, we find the sword of Christian III which dates back to 1551. It was used for coronations until 1648. In the showcase on the left, it is possible to admire the Olderburg Horn which dates back to around 1400. In another display case, the Collar of the Order of the Garter, which belonged to Christian IV, is exhibited. It is believed to be the oldest in the world.
Afterwards, we access the second room by going down a couple of steps, here, the Crown of Christian IV is the host. It dates back to 1556 and is plain of symbols of the good virtues of a good king. In the showcase opposite there is a baptismal set consisting of: basin; jug and two solid gold candlesticks. The baptismal set has been used for all royal descendants since 1971 and is still used today. Below is the royal statute , in a silver box with the initials of Frederick III. This is the constitutional basis for absolute monarchy.
We go further and we find the third hexagonal room, always going down a couple of steps to access it. Immediately in the center we find the crowns of the absolute monarchy on display, totally attracting attention by their majesty and wealth, respectively of 1671 and 1731. The ” crown of absolute monarchs ” was used for the coronations of all kings from Christian V to Christian VIII. The crown weighs more than 2 kg and is decorated with sapphires, garnets and anti diameters, while on the top of the cross there is a ruby and a band of sapphires.
The Queen’s Crown was created for Queen Sofia Magdalene, wife of Christian VI, but the precious stones date back to the Queen’s crown of 1648. the crowns were used for coronations along with other royal insignia, including: the scepter, the sphere and the ampoule, displayed in the case on the back wall. The royal insignia were the most important symbols of the kingdom and can be considered the “attributes of the king”.
Other curious collections are present and located in the basement, near the armored door treasure room. For example ivory and amber : the turned and carved ivory objects are exhibited, in chronological order and range from 1575 to 1850. Some objects were created by members of the royal family, others were received as gifts, but most of them are the work of the king’s turners and carvers. Among the best in the world we also find the objects in amber, equivalent to “the gold of the north” were highly appreciated at the royal courts.
Weapons and wine in Rosenborg : The weapons displayed in the basement are divided into four categories: ceremonial weapons; tournament weapons; military weapons and hunting weapons. The golden war game was created for the young crown prince Frederick (V). Using the toy soldiers, which represented “Romans versus Africans”, he could practice military strategy.
The adjacent barrels, on the other hand, are for the so-called ” Rosenborg wine ” produced with Rhine white wine from 1590. Today the barrels are empty, and the wine is kept in steel bottles and tanks (which you will find on display in the next room). Its knowledge today is similar to that of dry sherry and is served only on the occasion of the New Year’s Banquet and other special occasions.
Interesting room is that of the Green Cabinet , where we find the showcase located next to the door, with the equestrian armor worn by Christian IV on his coronation in 1596 and that of his son Cristiano worn on the occasion of the wedding in 1634. both embroidered with gold and pearls. In the other showcases it is possible to admire precious objects from the “green cabinet” organized according to type and material, just as they were originally displayed. In the central case is on display the trophy of a flying fish in carved crystal , given by Christian V from his mother, Queen Sofia Amalia, in 1675 and made in Milan around 1580.
In the midst of the numerous shop windows we find an opening that leads into a rather small room dedicated to Ole Romer (1644 – 1710). He was an astronomer and he was responsible for the discovery of the speed of light , elaborated by studying the moons of Jupiter. Romer built a planetarium (to demonstrate the orbits of the planets) and an eclipse (to calculate solar and lunar eclipses). These models were built in Paris and purchased by Christian V in 1682.
These were the treasures of Rosenborg, I hope it intrigued you, live is definitely better and an exploration that is definitely not to be missed if you are in Copenhagen.
Don’t miss the rest of the tour here Rosenborg Castle . Through which you will discover in detail everything related to the interior of the Rosenborg castle, from the ground floor that continues with the first floor to then explore, finally, the second floor.
If you want an itinerary for Copenhagen look here: Copenhagen in 1 day .